Smoking is a habit which is recognized by lot of individuals as something which is harmful and should be stopped. However, most of us fail to quit smoking due to several reasons. Some of us have successfully stopped smoking once but restarted again and find it even more difficult to completely quit smoking.
We are all aware of the ill effects of smoking and if you are taking the first step towards quitting by consulting a doctor then there is a good chance you will succeed.
Willingness to stop (and seek help) + support from family members and friends are the two most essential requirements in the process of smoking cessation.
4 steps towards smoke free life:
- Think about why you are smoking and why you need to quit.
- Prepare to take the decision and make plans to quit smoking.
- Stop smoking on the date you decided to do so and stop completely.
- Stay smoke free and seek help from a doctor to control withdrawal symptoms.
Methods to control the habit of smoking and craving:
- Tell yourself that it is a challenge which you have accepted and which you should win.
- Identify your smoking triggers and plan ahead. Take each day at a time and reward yourself every day.
- You can set an example for your children and friends by showing the will power to control the habit of smoking and quitting forever.
- By quitting smoking you can stay healthy and ensure that you look after your beloved family. You could also be saving some money for spending on your hobbies or home needs.
- Avoid situations where you might be tempted to smoke again, put away the ash trays in your house.
- Use nicotine replacement products like gums or patches to cope with the withdrawal symptoms.
- Have the courage to say ‘no’ even if it requires you to smoke just one cigarette.
- Cutting down on the number of cigarettes does not help as there is every chance for you to smoke more again and hence fail.
20 Minutes (after quitting)
Your blood pressure and pulse rate returns to normal. Blood circulation improves- especially in your hands and feet.
8 hours
Your blood oxygen levels return to normal and your chance of having a heart attack falls.
24 hours
Carbon monoxide leaves your body. Your lungs start to clear out mucous and debris.
48 hours
Congratulations!!! Your body is now nicotine free. And have you noticed how your sense of smell and taste has improved?
72 hours
Your breathing is easier. You have more energy.
2-12 weeks
Blood circulation is now improved throughout your body. It is easier for you to walk and exercise now.
3-9 months
Your lung efficiency is up by about 5-10%. Breathing problems are improving as well as cough and wheezing.
5 years
Your chance of having a heart attack is reduced by 50% compared to a smoker.
10 years Your chance of having a lung cancer is now reduced by 50% compared to a smoker and chances of heart attack are similar to someone who has never smoked.